The notorious criminal mastermind known as "The Joker" is again causing chaos in the streets of Gotham City! Can the Dynamic Duo bring an end to his reign of mayhem? The One:12 Collective The Joker: Golden Age Edition is outfitted in a vibrant purple suit inspired by his classic comic book appearance.
He wears a wide-brimmed hat, a dress shirt, a ribbon necktie, and his iconic The Joker’s Utility Belt with two interchangeable face-shaped buckles, one of which springs out as a hidden surprise. He’s all smiles! The Joker features three head portraits with interchangeable hair styles, each capturing the essence of the madcap menace. Who’s laughing now?
The included fake police badge unleashes an attachable spewing acid FX, adding a splash of chaos. Unpredictable and deranged, The Joker wreaks havoc amongst the city of Gotham as the Clown Prince of Crime.
*Aug 2024